Site menus are the navigation links that show up on the top area of your site. You can set different menus for users that are logged in to your site and those that are not.
To customize the menus, go to Design Layout > Layout and Themes > Site Layout. On the Global tab, set the Top Menu, Logged In Top Menu, and the Checkout Menu to the menu that you want to use here.
Managing Site Menus
To customize a menu, go to Design Layout > Site Menus. Click on the Manage Menu Links button to edit it. The Site Menus page will show the different links and dropdowns for this menu.
To add a top link, click on the Add Top Link. To edit a link, click on one of them on the left side. On the right side, you can set the menu configuration:
- Show – Show this link or not on the menu
- Link Type – Set this to Link if you want I to be a clickable URL. If you want to add links as a dropdown, set this to Dropdown
- Link URL – If this is a link, enter the URL here
- CSS and JS Options – set any CSS or JavaScript Options here for the link.
On the Name tab, enter the name of the link to show on the menu.
To add a link to a dropdown, you can click on the Plus icon next to the dropdown menu item to add one.
Arranging Menu Links
To rearrange the links in the menu, click on the sorting icon next to the link and drag and drop it up and down for the top menu links. Click Save Changes.