Logos and Themes Print

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eCommerce Suite allows you to customize your online store very easily and professionally.  You can set different themes, set custom colors and fonts, and even use custom CSS.
To setup your website’s theme and color patterns, go to Design Layout > Layout and Themes > Logo and Themes.  On the Themes page, you can select the following tabs:

Manage Themes

This tab lists the installed themes in your eCommerce site.  You can hover on one and click on the Activate button to use that as your current theme. To install more themes, download them from our site at https://www.jrox.com.  Click on the Install Theme button to upload the new theme in zip format. If the theme files are too large to upload for your host, you can unzip them and manually upload the theme folder and its contents to our /themes/site folder

Upload Logo

To upload your own logo, select this tab.  You can select your logo as well as set the favicon for your site here. Try and make the logo around 125 pixels height for it to format well with the default theme. If you have a copyright license, you can also customize and upload the admin login logo for your admin area.

Color Palette

The color palette tab has some default colors that you can set for your site, along with the default header and base font.  You can customize the color palette or select some default palettes to load on the right side.
Header and Base Font
If you want to change the default Header and base fonts for the headline and the content, you can set those in the Header Font and Base Font sections.

Custom CSS

If you want to add or customize the CSS styles for your eCommerce site, you can add the CSS code in this tab.

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