To Setup Per Item Shipping, click on the Localization > Shipping section in your eCommerce Admin area.
If Per Item Shipping is not shown, click on the View Modules button to install it. Click on the Install button to install it.
Once it is installed, click on the Edit icon in Localization > Shipping. On the Module Configuration page, set the following:
- Shipping Name - Name this shipping option
- Enabled - Enable or Disable this shipping option
- Charge Shipping Tax - Charge tax for shipping or not
- Tax Class - If you are charging taxes, select the tax class that will be used for calculating it
- Sort Order - Sort order for showing the shipping option
On the Shipping Zones tab, you can add the different zones that you want to allow this shipping option to be used in. Click on Add Zone to add them. If you have not setup zones, you should do that under Localization > Taxes and Zones > Regional Zones
For each shipping zone, enter the Shipping Amount for each zone that you want to pay.