Managing Languages Print

  • localization, languages
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You can update the text for your eCommerce site by clicking on Localization > Languages.  All of the site’s default text is set in different language files.  To edit it, click on the language file you are using.  You can then do a Search for the text that you want to edit, and the system will search for it on your behalf.  You can then override it with the new text that you want to show on the site.

Adding Custom Entries
If you want to use custom tags in your content pages or product descriptions, you can use custom entries.  To do this, click on the View Entries link under Custom Language Entries on the left-hand side to add one.  Once you have added it, you can use the {{custom_tag}} in your content and product description pages.

Adding a Language
If you want to add a new language file by translating the English one for example, you can do that by clicking on the Add Language button in Localization > Languages. You can upload the translated zip file, or manually upload each one to your hosting account.  Make sure that you have all the correct language files included in your new language so as not to cause errors.  These are:

  • admin_lang.php
  • affiliate_lang.php
  • content_lang.php
  • email_lang.php
  • global_lang.php
  • install_lang.php
  • layout_lang.php
  • localization_lang.php


  • members_lang.php
  • orders_lang.php
  • products_lang.php
  • promotions_lang.php
  • settings_lang.php
  • support_lang.php
  • system_lang.php


The best way to do it would be to copy the entire /application/language/English folder and start the translation from that folder so as not to miss any language fields.

Enabling the Language Selector
If you would like to enable the language selector for your site for multiple languages, you can enable it under Settings > System > System Settings > Enable Language Selector.  This option will show the language selector on the top right side of your site by default so users can select which language they want to use.

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